Sunday, June 12, 2011

Revisit Your Successful Intelligence Activity 12

For each area, note two instances where you grew as a successfully intelligent thinker.

Analytical Skills You Employed

One:  I had an issue with inventory with my clothing company and needed to figure out a way to solve the problem.  I considered the pros and cons of several inventory methods and chose one that best solved the problem and utilized my strengths while minimizing my weaknesses.

Two:  I needed to deliver a unit of melamine which is really slippery plywood that a previous driver had fall off their truck because of it's slickness.  I needed to be able to deliver it without it falling off the truck and still not strap it down so tight that it broke the ply.  I made sure to provide protection for the ply so the straps didn't break the edges and tightened them down tight so it wouldn't slip off the truck.

Creative ideas You Developed

One:  I had an idea of getting my clothing line into more shops and didn't have a means to do this.  I thought of skateboard shops as a possible means of getting my stuff out there.  Skateboard shops are usually independently owned and operated and would be more open to edgy clothing lines than say a Hot Topic or Tillys would be.

Two:  Most clothing lines go through the normal means of advertising but I thought a novel idea would be to act like a band merch without the whole "band" part.  I would contact people about being part of a street team for the company and send them stickers and advertisements for the clothing in order to get the word out to more people without too much in way of cost.

Practical Actions You Took

One:  I had an issue with inventory with my clothing company and needed to figure out a way to solve the problem.  I considered the pros and cons of several inventory methods and chose one that best solved the problem and utilized my strengths while minimizing my weaknesses.

Two:  I needed to deliver a unit of melamine which is really slippery plywood that a previous driver had fall off their truck because of it's slickness.  I needed to be able to deliver it without it falling off the truck and still not strap it down so tight that it broke the ply.  I made sure to provide protection for the ply so the straps didn't break the edges and tightened them down tight so it wouldn't slip off the truck.

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